Wednesday 15 June 2011

One Year Anniversary

Me and Joe had officially been together a year yesterday. Can’t believe how quick time has gone, a whole year since Newquay where he asked me out. This year has had so many ups and downs, but I am pleased to say we have made it through the other side.

In celebration of this glorious event I was treated with a visit to the cinema. I have been waiting to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 3D for a little while now and was looking forward to finally see it. I was never fully convinced of the film saga. I watched the first one about 10 times; it wasn’t until Joe explained to me whilst we were watching it that I actually understood what was going on. Once I did finally get the gist on what was going on I loved it. I was totally hooked and in the space of two days I watched 1, 2 and 3. I loved how imaginative they were and I loved the characters. I still found them to be a bit confusing, so I suggest you watch it with someone there who you can ask lots of questions.

I was sceptical as to what storyline they could run in number 4 and was worried they had taken it too far. After watching it I wouldn’t say I was disappointed, but the film had no relevance to the other three. I was disappointed that Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley weren’t in it, despite their irritating characteristics and story line. I loved how they ended it with the couple in number three, so I can understand why they wanted to leave their story there. However, me personally I would have considered it better viewing for them to be involved somehow, as the other three revolved around them. I did love Captain Barbosa’s character more in this one than before. They gave him more of a star role and he bounced off of Captain Jack Sparrow (Jonny Depp). I warmed to him more when I realised it was the same actor as the speech therapist in the Kings Speech, he played a fantastic part! Star of the film and favourite of mine as in the others was definitely Captain Jack Sparrow. He was just as funny and was definitely the best character in number 4. I feel they used the 3D effects well and without it this film would have been even more pointless. I would watch it again, however if they make a number 5 I have promised myself I will not go to see it. I recommend you watch this if you are a major Jonny Depp or Jack Sparrow fan. I must admit I don’t fancy Jonny Depp normally but as Captain Jack Sparrow, he is lush!

We were going to go for something to eat after the film but it was late when we came out of the cinema. We went to Bradford Cineworld, so in preference of not being killed we got the bus home. Our favourite Indian decides to close on a Tuesday now and the Chinese doesn’t deliver, so I settled for a fish finger and ketchup roll.

I had a peculiar late night phone call off my mother. She rang me to declare that when I go home I need to be doing my own washing up. What is it with mums that you can live on your own for three years, but the minute you go home they assume you can’t look after yourself? Is it that mothers can’t except that you don’t need them to clean up after them anymore? I felt like I was receiving a lecture like when I was living back at home and I hadn’t even got there yet. I have now made the decision that I will let her weight on me hand and foot for a week as she already assumed that is what she would be doing. I managed by the end of the call to make her feel guilty about having a go at me and to quote she said “I will look after you like a queen when you’re home.” I think she had consumed a few too many vinos but she insisted she had only been drinking since 6 (she phoned me at half past 10). I love the fact I am still my mother’s only child, so my manipulation still works on her.

We finished our anniversary by watching the film Sleepers. It probably wasn’t the happiest of choices, but Joe had never seen it before. Even though the film is depressing I love it. Joe loved it as well which is good as he is very hard to please in the film department. It has a great storyline and the characters both younger and older, play a brilliant part. It even stars Robert De Niro who I adore. I personally cannot fault this film and would recommend it to anyone. Be warned though, this is upsetting and I cry every time I watch it. I believe everyone needs a good cry fest once in a while.

Thanks for reading, blog soon

Danielle .xxx.

Me and Joe the night we started going out :) (slightly drunk)

Monday 13 June 2011

Face behind the blog

I figured that before I started blogging, I shall tell you about myself and then you can decide whether you want to read my other posts or not. The reason I have started blogging is that I have a thirst to write, but at this stage of my life I don’t see myself making a career out of it. Eventually I shall be a famous novelist; therefore the people that read my blog now, will be able to say "I read her blog before she was an amazing famous writer."

Right, well I shall start in my present. I am currently 21 years old and have just finished a journalism degree at the University of Lincoln. University was the best experience of my life and one that I will truly never forget. During my three years in Lincoln, I gained so much more than just a degree. I learnt how to live on my own and survive without my parents just around the corner. I have made friends that I will cherish for the rest of my life, even the people that I will more than likely lose contact with I will never forget. If I am being honest, I would have to say that university wasn't as much hard work as I thought it would be. I partied far too much, and did my work when I needed to. It wasn't until my final year that the workload really stressed me out. Leaving university was one of the most emotional milestones in my life. Not only was I leaving behind my best friends, but I was leaving behind my comfort zone, a place where I knew everyone I needed to and knew where everything was. After just two weeks of moving out my university home, I know that it is time for the next chapter of my life and I need to embrace it.

My story began in South East London, Bermondsey to be exact. I would say that I had a good up-bringing, spending most of my childhood being raised by my mum. My mum and dad separated before I could even remember, but I am pleased to say that I now have a great relationship with both of them. They were both too young when they had me aged just 17 and 19, so it was unlikely they would have remained together anyways.

My mummy
My mum is what my friends referred to as a "cool" mum which at times I hated. She is not what I would class as a conventional mother, she smokes and drinks too much and at times can say things that are not appropriate for a mother daughter conversation. However, she has always been my best friend and many times when I was growing up I wish she was my age because we would have got on so well. She is one of the nicest women you would ever meet and her heart is in the right place.

My daddy
My dad is different in the way I formed a later relationship with him. When I was growing up I was always scared of him and looking back now I don't really know why. I always wanted to be at home with my mum but remained so defensive of my dad. I would say our relationship grew when I was about 14. I think it was when I grew a mouth and opinions of my own and wasn't afraid of his dominance anymore. We have almost identical personalities in the way we are opinionated, argumentative, fiery and stubborn. I now speak to him on a daily basis, a relationship I feel strengthened when my little sister Nancy was born nearly 4 years ago now. She is the most beautiful little girl who has a strong character (not that I am bias) and I feel she gets so much from me and my dad.
I would say that even though I live far away, I have a strong family bond. I would count my family as close and know that if ever I was in trouble I could turn to anyone of them. I especially have strong, independent females in my family and I feel this has influenced the person I am today.

I have always been classed as intelligent and was in all my top sets at school. I would say I had a good school experience, even though it wasn't the best academically I had a good social experience. I had the usual problems normal school kids go through, trouble with older girls, discovering who your friends were and finding myself, but all in all I look back at school with fond memories. I have always been a socialable person and it was always my social life outside school I looked forward to the most. If I am honest I have probably been partying too much since I was about 12/13 but I loved every minute of it.

I am pleased to say that I finished school with good GCSE's and went on to study at college. I did History, English and Law A levels. College was a tough time for me; I found the work quite hard and was in a previous relationship that was going very badly. I made a few good friends but my head was too focused on what was happening outside college. I never really found myself whilst I was there and was struggling with the decision on what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. If I was going to university I was always going to study law, this too was putting me off as I wasn't sure that was what I wanted to do anymore. I went to uni open days and hated all the universities in London. I decided to take a risk and change my plan totally. I decided that I wanted to do journalism, half because I was good at reading and writing and half because I loved the film "The Devil wears Prada". Not only did I change my career path I also decided that moving away was what I wanted to do, in order to change the direction my life was going. When results day came I was shocked that I got in to Lincoln University, I had never been so scared in my life.

Me and Joe
I am currently in a relationship with Joe, who I have been with for a year now. We met at university and were best friends for a year or so before we started a relationship. I would say as far as personalities go we couldn't be more different. Joe is a lot quieter than me, until you know him well you won't know who he really is. He likes to go out but not the diehard party animal that I am. The people we know were shocked when we got together, but deep down I think I knew it was going to happen for quite some time before it did. Alongside our differences we complement each other in the way we fit. Life isn't difficult with Joe and I love it.

I have had two long-term relationships before Joe, both very different and both have taught me different things. My first boyfriend was when I was 14 and lasted about a year and a half. I was too young and things just fizzled out. We were too different and I was looking for more than what was on offer. I wanted someone to chase, keep me on my toes and not let me get away with murder. My second boyfriend was totally different in the way I was always chasing him and never got what I wanted. Looking back now I felt more for the fact, I wanted to change him and make him what I wanted, than the way he was. He treated me in a way no young lady should be treated and certainly in a way I didn’t deserve. I learnt a lot from him and mainly learnt I wanted to be with nobody like him. I don’t regret any of my past experiences though as they both have had added input into who I am today.

I am currently living with Joe, in his family home in West Yorkshire. It is the kind of house I dreamed of living in as a child. It has the big country kitchen, big reception rooms, and walk in wardrobe, gym and lots of rooms. I always imagined that when I was older I would own a house that I could get lost in and this is exactly it. I couldn’t imagine being like Joe and growing up in a house like this, it’s far from my two bedroom flat. Not that I don’t love the comforts of my flat, it’s my home and my mum has always made the interior luxurious. I’m not used to living in something so big and am still getting used to the various noises on the various floors. I have been offered a job position, working for a web design company as part of a graduate scheme. I shall be working in the sales department or they like to call it e-learning consultant, as people tend to look down their noses at salesman. I am due to start as soon as we move to Leeds. I can’t wait to start the next chapter of our lives in a new city. They do say Leeds is the London of the north so I should fit in fine. I am just waiting for a company to employ Joe and then to find our dream flat and the chapter can start.

For the moment I am just in limbo waiting for the parts of my life to fall into place.

This is my story up until now, if I have not bored you to death more posts to be added soon.