Wednesday 27 July 2011

Diet Diaries

I have finally decided to take my major weight gain seriously and do something about it. During my three years of university the drinking and eating rubbish has taken its toll and I am now at least 2 stone heavier than before. I have to realise that now I have finished university I have to let go of the excuse “I’ll do something about it when I finish.”

During my second year at university I lost the 2 stone I had put on by using well known diet Weight Watchers. I would go to meetings and was strict in sticking with their diet. I just grew so bored of the food they had to offer and the student lifestyle resulted in me falling off the wagon. Even though Weight Watchers had great results, I just don’t feel personally I could live on Weight Watchers forever. It has to be a life change rather that a quick fix.

This time I have decided to try diet Slimming World, and so far so good. I tried Slimming World years ago when it was red and green days and it was somewhat difficult. I was happy to try their new extra easy option and it seriously is extra easy. Now that I have finished uni I also am trying to cook proper meals and the recipes look lovely. I went to a meeting yesterday and this just re-affirmed how much I want to lose weight. It was great to have the food and exercise plans explained and this made it simple for me to plan my meals. I have so far cooked a few things that have been a success. I cooked a Sheppard’s pie, the only difference being I used swede instead of potato. Potato is fine to eat, however I couldn’t face having it without butter so opted for swede instead. I was surprised at how nice it was, and both myself and Joe said that we would have it again. I have also made spaghetti bolognaise and it was delicious. There isn’t much difference from how I made it before except I didn’t use tomato puree. I was allowed as much spaghetti and mince (extra lean) as I wanted, it’s hard to believe you’re losing weight. Finally, I have made home-made coleslaw and this was ok. I would make it again however I wouldn’t put celery in next time around. I have never really liked celery but thought it would blend in with the other ingredients, but it didn’t. I also have tried Quorn sausages as they encourage you to eat them. Unfortunately I have to be honest and I am not a fan. They taste as if they are off and the thought of it is probably worse than the taste. I am going to give it one more go and put them in a frittata, but if not I shall definitely not be buying them again.

I have a target of losing 3 stone overall and 10 pounds by graduation. That’s 5 weeks away and I am refusing to buy new dresses for the ceremony or ball unless I have lost a little weight. I am going to a meeting next Thursday as I am in London so will be visiting another one, so I shall keep you informed on how my first week goes 

Laters xxxxxxxx

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